Characters for "Bugs Don't Count"
"Bugs Don't Count" is a short comic that is the result of rewriting the same story over 10 weeks. Meelyn the forest sprite is terribly afraid of bugs, and Cyprus the faun tries to help him overcome that fear.
Characters for "Starshine"
"Starshine" is a 2D animated short film that I pitched as a student. It is a story about a young girl’s nightlight that must hurry to ward off the darkness and bad dreams before time runs out.
Character Designs for "Split!"
"Split!" is a hybrid animated short film, and the collaborative senior film I worked on. It is a story about Lyla, a little girl expressing different sides of herself when staying with either of her separated parents.
Character for "The Cult Classics"
"The Cult Classics" is the title of a would-be animated television series pitched collaboratively by myself and a group of my peers. The story follows a detective agency that must balance the human and eldritch worlds. I designed this character for the pitch.
Character Aging Exercise
These designs depict the same character as a child, young adult, adult, and elder. The purpose of the exercise is to show how the character's appearance changes over time based on the life they have lived.
Creature Design
This design is an exercise in creating a creature with physical features that are functional for its habitat and behavior. It is also an exercise in showing the different stages of the creature's lifecycle.